Pink Elephants on the Porch

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Ah ... Friday evening. Getting ready for a long holiday weekend and getting ready for Pink Saturday too! Come on over and have a seat on the porch. How about something cool to drink. Something pink perhaps?

Would you like to see a drink menu? How about a special drink from the Guide to Pink Elephants? This is a little vintage cocktail recipe book. It was a favorite of my mother-in-law and she gave it to David several years ago. If you want something non-alcoholic that's fine too. I'm just having a pink lemonade. I can make one for you. I think I have another pink flamingo stir stick somewhere...

Here is a little vintage pink cocktail napkin to set under your drink. Now how about some music ...

something vintage and pink too?? How about this collection by Jo Stafford, just right for the cocktail hour. Ah ... relaxation. I'm feeling in the pink now, how about you?? While we are relaxing, let's just cruise on over to visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for lots more pink inspiration!!!

You want a pink biscuit Bentley?? Well I don't think we have any pink dog biscuits. How would you like to play with your pink pig instead??

Susan and Bentley


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