- Everyday at work is a surprise. By this I mean that one day I will go in and be completely in control and on top of everything I am working on and the next day will be a complete mess. I’m guessing it’s going to be like this for at least the next six months. Seems like a long time, but in the grand scheme of things, I’ll make it through.
- Have I mentioned how much I hate being away from my husband?! No, I haven’t talked about it very much on the blog and I really don’t

- Speaking of my wonderful husband, last Sunday we celebrated the two year anniversary of the evening M. asked me to marry him! We actually celebrated on Saturday by going to a fabulous restaurant in the Village (which name is now escaping me) and dined on some delicious food. Some of the key moments in the meal: a glass of wine, thyme Gouda French fries, creamy herb polenta, caramelized onions, piping hot out-of-the-oven apple pie served with the MOST AMAZING salted caramel ice cream, and finally an amazing chocolate lava cake with tart raspberry coulis – in a word – YUM.
- I am SO unprepared for Christmas this year. I desperately wanted to have all of my Christmas shopping done early, but alas, here I am, 8 days until Christmas and I do not have all of my gifts purchased. I am REALLY hoping that this weekend’s activities will change that.
- Speaking of Christmas, I LOVE being in the city during the holidays. Tonight was the first night that the empire state building is lit red and green (and I can see it from my living room window – BONUS!) and there are Christmas lights up everywhere in all of the parks and stores! I’ve always considered myself to be a fan of the classic white lights, but these days I am completely obsessed with the colored bulbs seen all around the city.
- It’s a good thing I can see the red and green lit empire state building from my living room because the apartment here is seriously lacking in Christmas cheer. Luckily we’ve been sent some pretty Christmas cards which are proudly displayed on our

- Speaking of Christmas cards – ours are going in the mail on Saturday….orrrr Monday. Again, I know, rushed and last minute, but Christmas cards have unfortunately not been on the top of my list (even though I kind of wish I would’ve made them at the top). I’ll be sure to show off our first ever (married!) Christmas card soon (I can't wait!) – I employed handy dandy photo-shop yet again and there is a special surprise with each card too (which actually makes it OK if they don't arrive before Christmas! Someone asked me the other day if I use a lot of the “knowledge” I gained while in college and to be honest, I haven’t really used all that much (sorry mom and dad), but what I can say is that I sure have gotten my money’s worth of those design classes.
- Did I mention I am TOTALLY ready for “Christmas break”?!
- There was some celebrity/big event going on in one of the streets/buildings near my apartment building last night. There were a RIDICULOUS amount of camera flashes going off and beautiful fireworks too….no, literally…FIREWORKS in the sky…the pink and white were my favorite!
- I’ve done really well with my workouts over the past two weeks. I’ve been running every day, 5 miles (and hit the 600 mile mark, by the way!), but I must admit I took yesterday off and I just might take tonight off too. There are just a lot of things I want to get done before goi

- I feel like everyone under the sun (or really, cloudy sky) is getting snow BUT New York City! What is up with that?! I need a little (just a little) of the white stuff in my life too! (PS: How pretty is that picture to the right?! I LOVE it!)
That’s all for now friends, but I promise not to take such long breaks from the blogging world! I really did miss it! Until Monday…enjoy your weekend! :)

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