Hello Everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend & a fabulous Monday!!
**This past Saturday marked the one year anniversary of M. & my engagement!! I c

an't believe how fast this year has gone by & that we will be married in a few short months! (I am SO EXCITED!)
**M. finished his last fall semester of law school (EVER!) this past week & he only has one exam left to finish! To celebrate his two completed finals we spent the weekend finishing up our last minute Christmas shopping & doing a lottttt of relaxing. I worked on our wedding map (which I will post soon) and a to-do list of things for the wedding.
**I can't believe it, but since October 20th I've run over 100 miles!! I am about 6 pounds

away from my goal weight for the wedding -- I am proud of myself (can I say that?!) for sticking with my workout routine. I started out going to the gym in the mornings before work, but have since switched to going immediately after getting home from work. It's nice to get that extra hour of sleep in the morning!
**Tomorrow I will show off the beautiful engagement party invitations my mom put together over the weekend and probably Wednesday or Thursday I will post the DIY drawn wedding map that I did to put with our invitations and the out-of-town guests' welcome baskets!
Now I'm off to watch "Sing-Off" with my sweetie! :)
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