Claire is quite right though - there is apparently an Alice In Wonderland limited edition Book of Shadows being released in the USA in late December. It's a tie-in with the Disney film of the story, directed by Tim Burton. British Beauty Blogger has the full deets on her blog, along with some massive hi-res images to drool over, and she advises us that the palette will arrive in the UK in March, with just 2000 available. Can you picture the scrum at the department store counters?
Those who don't nab a palette might be slightly comforted to learn that although the shades all have Alice-themed names, some (don't know yet which) are just re-named shadows from the permanent line. There is a striking azure blue in there though that I don't recognise - it's called "Alice". And it's calling to me. There's also the usual travel-size rations of two 24/7 eyeliners and a mini Primer Potion.
The Book of Shadows format is a pull-out drawer of products below, and a lift-up mirrored display above. The Alice palette is no different. The top has a stunning pop-up montage of the scene from the story where Alice accepts the size-changing mushroom snacks from the caterpillar. In Burton's version, captured here, there is a forest of toadstools, with Alice herself wandering through them towards the mirror, and a bottle of "Drink Me" potion to one side.
I don't know whether I'm going to attempt to get one of these. The packaging is stunning, there's absolutely no question. But I have two Book of Shadows palettes already and if I'm totally honest the format isn't that user friendly, especially when I'm rushing to get out of the door. The first Book of Shadows has a drawer so stiff I can barely get it open with both hands. I love the selection of shades and the CS Lewis names, but I have so many UD shadows I honestly can't imagine needing more for a while. Plus, as I said to start with, I'm not fully bonded with my BOS Vol. 2 yet.
I do love those mushrooms though...
UPDATE: We've posted a summary of the latest details!
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