First, thank you for all of your sweet comments on the post about M.'s grandfather. It is of course very sad, but he died peacefully surrounded by his children. He'll always be in our thoughts.
It's the last day of 2010 and what a big year it has been here in the C. "household". Many exciting events took place and many wonderful and lasting memories were made. I am very much looking forward to the year 2011 and all of the exciting things that it will bring -- there will certainly be ups and downs and many challenges and joyous occasions, but I know that each and every event will make me a stronger person. I suppose I don't really have a specific New Year's resolution (although I may think of one in a few days), but most importantly I am going to try to be the best wife I can be, a wonderful daughter and sister.
On our Christmas card I included a link to a video that I put together of this past year (found at the end of this post). **It simply wouldn't be like me to not craft another video!** It's kind of long, but it gives a complete rundown on the big events for us in 2010! I hope that everyone has a FABULOUS New Years Eve and an even better 2011!
**I'll be back tomorrow with a recap of our first married Christmas!**
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