Bentley's Pink Dream

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This doesn't look right. I don't remember a pink pillow on my bed or a teddy bear wearing a pink dress or a blankie with pink flowers. I better go find Mom and see if she redecorated my bed. She's always doing things like that. Mom where are you???

She must be out in the garden somewhere. I see some pink petunias ready to be planted and what's this another teddy bear wearing a pink dress??? I'll go look for Mom in the side garden .... Mom??? Where are you???

She's not here either, but there's my pink ice cream cone squeak toy under the pink flower bush. I'll just have to look some more. Mom???

She's not up here now, but she was because I see her pink garden gloves. I wonder if she went in the potting shed. I'll just walk over there to see...

Oh no!!! It's my pink hair brush!!! This isn't a pink dream, it's a PINK NIGHTMARE!!! I better run and hide... I hate being groomed!! Oh no! Oh No!!

Wake up Bentley, wake up!! You were dreaming! Are you ready to start taking pictures for your Pink Saturday post for Beverly over at How Sweet the Sound? Laurie wants to see your pics too at her A Few of My Favorite Things Saturday. Let's get ready okay??

Sure Mom! Boy am I glad it was just a dream and I am not living in a pink world. That would be okay for Camilla next door, but I'm a boy dog after all!!

Bentley and Susan
xxoo and a woof


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