M. & I have a full list of holiday plans! I have a half day of work on Wednesday, so after that M. and I will drive to Tennessee to spend Christmas eve and Christmas day with M.'s family. I am very excited to spend time with them -- M.'s brother, sister and brother in law will all be in town so it will be really fun to catch up! On the 26th we are leaving semi early to get to North Carolina to have a Christmas celebration with my family including my older brother's (who will be back in town from China for about a month) girlfriend. I am looking forward to spending time with my family as well!
On the 27th M. & I will be driving about an hour to (hopefully) meet with our wedding planner & then to pick up my Aunt & Uncle who are flying in to attend my younger sister's Debutante Ball. My sister, dad & brother will be very busy on the 27th with rehearsals. Then, the 28th is my sister's Debutante Ball! I am very excited about this event too -- I love dressing up & it will be M. & my first black tie event together!
These are our main plans so far, but I am sure there are more to come! I hope you are all gearing up for a wonderful holiday...I can't believe Christmas is in only 4 days!
PS: We're in the 5 month mark for our wedding!!! Where are the months going?!!?!?
**I don't remember where I found this photo! If you know where it's from...please let me know! Cute though, huh!?**

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