What I'm Listening To

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Turns out my work event didn't end last night until about 9:45 and by the time I got home and ate dinner...well it was 11:00pm before I knew it! Needless to say, I didn't wake up this morning at 6 (can you tell I'm trying to keep myself accountable?!) so I guess that means another evening of running and The Shred back to back..boo!

Oh well, at least my iPod will have this great new song on it to keep me company...of course, in between all of the Christmas tunes I've been listening to!

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!

**By the way -- I am DYING to see the movie Morning Glory which this song is featured in...have any of you seen it?! I'm going to try and see it over Christmas vacation!**

**PS: The song Neon Lights from Natasha's new album is also really fun!**


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