The Public Interest Law Society at M.'s Law School held a tennis tournament as a fundraiser. M. was a member of this society and had signed up to play in the tournament with his friend Jeff. Over at my University, my sorority was recruiting girls to participate in this Law School tournament. Me & my sorority “big sister” Lindsay decided to enter as a team. On the tournament day, me and Lindsay were feeling less than excited about getting up early on a Saturday morning to play...in fact we had had a late night out the previous evening. At the last minute, we decided to skip it, thinking the show would go on without us -- you know, a typical college student -- volunteers for something and just skips it (oops!). Well, we would have skipped it if not for a very persistent sorority sister of mine who called non-stop until me and Lindsay put our tennis gear on and made our way to the courts. After playing and winning our first two matches, Lindsay and I had reached the championship match. As fate would have it, M. & Jeff were our opponents. A few aces (and really nice volleys) later, Lindsay and I won the tournament championship. (Michael now claims he would have won had he not been so distracted by me! Ha!).
Organizers of the tournament had assumed the second place team would be women and the tournament would be won by men (can you imagine a law school showing such discrimination?) The prize packages matched this assumption since the second place prize was a cute bag containing socks, headbands & other women’s tennis gear. Lindsay & I graciously accepted the "girly" prize & handed over our would-be prize of restaurant gift certificates & movie passes to the guys. I was already interested in getting to know M. better, so I hinted that the guys should use those restaurant certificates to take “the real winners” out to dinner and a movie. The subsequent double date was a little awkward & Michael (who later said he was "sooo tired and SO over the 'date'") ended it in a very businesslike manner by shaking our hands and saying "it was nice meeting you."
The spark was there though, & M. asked me out again. Now M. and I, the original tennis competitors will say “I do” on June 19th & Jeff & Lindsay will be standing by our side as members of the wedding party!!
In honor of our meeting on the tennis courts, we are hosting a Pre-Wedding (meaning on Thursday afternoon) Round Robin Doubles Tennis Tournament!!! This event will be for my bridesmaids and M.'s groomsman & any family who may be in town early -- I think we're going to pair each bridesmaid with a groomsman and of course M. and I will play together. It's going to be a great way for all of us to mingle & a super fun way to kick off our wedding weekend!! I DEFINITELY need to think of a fun prize for the winning team!
After the tennis tournament, we will be hosting a cookout at the marina on the lake close to my parents house. It going to be super casual -- think sundresses & sandals, lemonade & bbq, popsicles and homemade cookies! -- Ok so I really don't have the menu all planned out, but I'm still excited about a casual summer bbq experience with all of my closest friends & my soon-to-be hubby!!
**I love this inspiration board for a "tennis themed" wedding -- I definitely will be making those cookies for the cookout -- TOO CUTE!**
**Photo Credit: Snippet and Ink or Ritzy Bee -- I can't remember!!!!

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