It’s certainly been a busy year for me & certainly one I won’t forget. It’s fun to think about all of the changes that I want to make in the coming year (and of course think about all of the changes that will inevitably take place), but it’s also important to remember this year, 2009, which was full of so many amazing memories, travels, and special times with family & friends...**I started planning my wedding with help from my fabulous fiancée M. and my super creative mother.
**I took a long road trip with M. to Mississippi to visit his grandparents and some of his other family members – while in Mississippi I enjoyed some of the best BBQ I’ve ever had with M.’s father’s father (phew! That was a doozy!)
**M. and I spent a super fun Valentine’s Day in Nashville!
**I saw Legally Blonde: The Musical with my brother, sister and mom – it was a fun night out with family and the show was fabulous!!
**I enjoyed my last sorority formal EVER!! I had so much fun with my sorority family and with M.!
**I graduated from EU and learned that even with three legit internships and a lot of hard work, finding a job was a CHALLENGE (thanks a lot, bad economy).
**I moved back home for a few months – not always the easiest, but I am thankful for the time I was able to spend with my family before moving away.
**I worked on some seriously fun DIY projects alone and with my mom. I made a shadow box of M. and my proposal night, my mom & I put together the most FABULOUS t-shirt quilt of all of my sorority and college t-shirts, I refinished a small table and a round kitchen table, my mom and I recovered a fabric headboard and I painted a fun painting for my apartment.
**My mom and I visited Atlanta for Gift Market. It was seriously SO fun – I loved seeing all of the new gift merchandise before it hit store shelves and I really loved spending time with my mom.
**M. was accepted to finish his final year of law school at Georgetown!
**I moved into my first REAL apartment with a fabulous view of our nation’s Capitol.
**I accepted a job (that I was less than thrilled about) in DC where I learned a lot about patience and working with many many many different types of personalities.
**I quit above job and began another job in DC where I continue to learn the in’s and out’s of government relations and lobbying.
**Me, M. and my little sister went to see the Nutcracker at the Kennedy Center. It was M.’s first time seeing the ballet!
**I spent Thanksgiving at home in North Carolina, attempted to help my mom with the meal, and ended up burning some onions….not my finest moment.
**I started an intense running/workout plan in October – I am so proud of myself for keeping with the program and losing weight!
**Our save-the-dates were sent out and our engagement party invitations!! So many exciting times to come!
**I spent my first Christmas away from my family. Instead, I visited M.’s family in Tennessee. It was really hard being away from home and I definitely missed my family.
2009 was filled with wonderful memories & I really look forward to making so many more wonderful memories in 2010!!
when you cross cleveland bodyrubs the street, when you hop on from taxi to taxi, when there’s glazed frost on the pavement, and so on.
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