Cottage Laundry

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Day 2 of the back porch tour at my cottage. Here is my laundry room. A wicker laundry basket filled with clean towels.

Vintage wash basins hung on the wall. I actually use these quite often. Oh and see that old thermometer? It was here on the back porch when we bought our cottage. It was from some company that no longer exists. Their phone number was 34521 ~ long before prefixes were added. I hung it here because it seems to belong!

A sweet vintage laundry bag. Love it!!

An old pie safe filled with quilts ~ readily available in case we want to grab one to take out to the hammock for an afternoon nap.

David put up these shelves for me to store essentials like vintage picnic baskets ...

and vintage picnic tins ...

And detergent and cleaning products. That's it for today. I'm off to visit Marty for Table Top Tuesday!!

Bentley wants you all to know that he loves to take naps in the hammock too, but is not very fond of baths!!

Susan and Bentley


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