Wedding Recap: The Reception – Part 1

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FIRST OF ALL! Please send your thoughts my husband's way today as he starts his Bar Examination! The big exam started today at 9am! Luckily I had the chance to talk to him early this morning while he was getting ready! I know he's going to do an amazing job and I am excited for him to pass this next phase of the "becoming a lawyer" process! :) If you see this M. -- I love you and can't wait for you to come home! :)

My mom arrived yesterday afternoon to stay with me while M. is away. I got out of work early yesterday (3:45!) so that was a nice treat and my mom and I went to Rosa Mexicano for a delicious dinner and margs. After we shopped around a little bit, made a run to Goodwill where we picked up some fun "fixer-upper" furniture for my sister C.'s college apartment (re-making old furniture is one of my favorite things to do!) and then came home to watch the Bachelorette. A relaxing evening and I'm sure there are some fun things still to come this week while she's here!

On to our wedding reception recap....

**I still want to share a few of the professional images, but we're waiting now to have the burned CD of all of our pictures! I had the opportunity to look through the gallery online and there are so many that I love! So when I get the CD I will certainly share! For now though, please enjoy some of the pictures taken by friends and family!**

I feel like I keep saying the same things over and over again in my posts, but it’s true – our wedding day was so much fun and there are SO MANY memories I hold close to my heart from the events that day. The reception was no different – so many special details, surprises, and memories.

When we arrived at the Club for the reception we were immediately whisked into the side room where M. and I took a moment together to just enjoy everything that had just happened and was about to happen. The servers were kind enough to bring us many, many platters of the cocktail hour hors d’oeurves which were so delicious (and I don’t think I ever shared what we picked!). We had tempura fried green beans with teriyaki glaze (UM, DELICIOUS), spicy crab salad with mango served in won ton cups (also…DELICIOUS), miniature ham biscuits (the Country Club staple…still DELICIOUS), and mini parmesan artichoke tartlets (YUM!).

I heard that the signature cocktails were a hit in the cocktail room, and I luckily had the chance to enjoy one…or two, while we were waiting to be introduced at the dinner. I started with the Cotton Candy Cosmo (which M. likes to laugh at every time I mention it) which was very sweet and a little bit tart too. Then about 30 minutes later I enjoyed one of the Wedding Cake Martinis which was AMAZING – see the recipes HERE – make them immediately and if you have thick, raw sugar, rim the glass in that – the club did and it was absolutely to die for.

While in the waiting room we not only had the chance to have a moment alone, but we also had the chance to chat with a few guests who we knew wouldn’t be staying at the reception very long after dinner was over. M.’s grandparents came in to chat for a little while and it was really lovely catching up with them. I really wish that I would’ve had someone go to get my grandparents too because I didn’t have nearly enough time with them/didn’t have a great chance to talk to them on the wedding day.

**Bride-to-Be Tip: If you don’t live near your grandparents and they’re going to be at the wedding try to set aside a little time to talk with them after the ceremony. I know it seems like there is way too much going on, but you’ll be happy that you did after everything is over. Once the reception really starts there isn’t much time to chat with everyone, and grandparents, especially if they’re older, should have a special moment with you and your new husband!**

After waiting for the cocktail hour to finish and for everyone to start taking their seats in the ballroom, M. and I got ready to go out for our big introduction! Our parents and the bridal party coupled off and lined up outside of the doors and we followed behind. Our band did the introducing and we had Queen’s “You’re My Best Friend” playing in the background. **I’m a big Queen fan, thanks to my dad, and I thought it was a really cute song to have playing in the background, because let’s be honest, M. is my best friend!!**

The band introduced everyone and then it was our turn. We were so excited to get into the reception to eat, talk and dance – it all happened so fast!! Upon being introduced and walking in through the tables of our guests, I handed my bouquet off to one of our wedding planners and we went right into our first dance.

Our first dance was to Michael Buble’s “You and I.” M. and I have a lot of “special songs” together, but I wanted to make sure the song wasn’t one that was specifically sung to the girl or to the guy, so Michael Buble’s version of “You and I” was perfect. It’s a song that was for both of us – and it was very special. We didn’t take dance lessons, even though I would like to in the future! :) Instead we watched many YouTube videos on different dances, chose one, and then tried to perfect that. We ended up choosing a very simple waltz, but seeing as we weren’t completely sure how I would maneuver with my gown on, it ended up being just right. During our dance I didn’t see anyone but M. and the entire time I was completely focused on him. He spun me and twirled me. We looked into each other’s eyes and laughed and smiled about the days events. It was really special.

After the dance everyone sat down for dinner and before everything was served M.’s Dad gave a wonderful blessing.

**Bride-to-Be Tip: If you have a gap between your ceremony and your reception eat the main course of your dinner during the break (after pictures of course!) so that you can really enjoy the special meal that you picked out. I always told myself that I would be a bride that actually ate my dinner, but it was all so exciting and I didn’t end up eating as much as I would’ve liked. What I did eat was delicious though!! :)**
We had a great menu selected for our guests. We started with a hearts of romaine salad topped with goat cheese, sweet diced peaches, spiced pecans and marinated red onion dressed with raspberry vinaigrette. Then came the chicken piccata with a lemon sauce enhanced with sun dried tomatoes and capers which was served with parmesan risotto and grilled asparagus. Finally, for dessert we wanted something extra other than the wedding cake. We went with a plated dessert of a mini dark chocolate granmarnier cheesecake pop and a mini vanilla bean crème Brule accented with mint and raspberry coulis. YUM. I did have the chance to fully enjoy the plated dessert and both of the treats were amazing! We actually had our printer who did all of our paper goods print miniature flags with our A/M duogram so the pops were topped with a little flag printed with our duogram and the wedding date!

During the meal my father stood up to give a lovely welcome to our guests. He did such a wonderful job and said some really sweet and memorable things. I almost cried, but then he brought everything back together with a few great jokes. I’ll never forget his amazing words that evening.

During dessert we also did the father/daughter dance and the mother/son dance immediately followed. I literally COMPLETELY forgot about the father/daughter dance because my mind was swimming with so many other thoughts. When my wedding coordinator told me it was time I was completely caught off guard! My dad and I danced to “You Are So Beautiful” which the band leader, Percy sang. Percy did a WONDERFUL job on the song and it was a really special moment for my dad and me. Of course my dad wanted to try out the waltz that we originally perfected at my Debutante Presentation Ball during my sophomore year of college, but I had forgotten some of the key steps which made for some funny moments. It was a beautiful moment with my dad, and again, something I’ll never forget.

M. and his mom’s dance together was also beautiful. M. decided on “What a Wonderful World” which Percy sang as well. He did a great job on the song and kept all of our guests very entertained by changing artist personas throughout his rendition!

Tomorrow I will recap the rest of the reception! Happy Tuesday! :)


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