Reds and Whites and Outdoors Too

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Did you ever have one of those days when you can't seem to make up your mind? Well, that's me today. You Rednesday girls know I love RED ... but sometimes I like to mix things up a bit. (Hang on you lovers of WHITE and the OUTDOORS ~ I'm getting to you).

Today is one of those days. Maybe it's the heat ... maybe I just feel like shaking things up a bit.

I feel like mixing in some white for this Rednesday/White Wednesday ....

and a bit of Outdoors too!

Add some White Outdoor architectural elements ...

and just be playfull!!

Thanks for allowing this crazy girl a few moments of whimsey!! Have a fun filled and happy day whether you love RED or WHITE or just being OUTDOORS!! Now please take some time to visit our friends Sue for Rednesday, Kathleen at Faded Charm for White Wednesday and Susan for Outdoor Wednesday.

Are you feeling silly today too Bentley?? Yes you are my sweet boy!!

Susan and Bentley


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