On Being "Grace"fully Royal

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There has certainly been a “buzz” around the office regarding the Royal Wedding…actually, all of the US seems to be in a complete buzz over the Royal Wedding. The news stations have been transformed into British Royalty know-it-alls and some of the things they are saying are starting to get absolutely silly. Kate was spotted with her hair in a ponytail…IT MUST MEAN SHE’LL BE WEARING HER HAIR UP ON THE WEDDING DAY! Craziness.

Craziness indeed, BUT I am just like the rest of themI am captivated by the Royal Wedding and all of the details surrounding Kate and William’s engagement and Friday's nuptials. While I laugh at some of the things that the newscasters have been reporting, I still loyally watch every morning to see if I can catch any new information about the beautiful couple and their sure-to-be-stunner of a wedding celebration.

Like any wedding crazed girl, I am most excited to see what Kate looks like on the big day, and which designer she decides to go with for her wedding gown and what EXACTLY her gown looks like. There has actually been some speculation regarding one fashion designer (who I will not name) and how she may have been the one working on her gown all along. If her dress does end up being made by this particular designer, I will feel especially excited considering I once worked for her!!!! Either way, I know that the gown is going to be immaculate; I just can’t quite decide which silhouette I think she’ll go with. Luckily there is not much time left to wait to see her beautiful ensemble – Friday is the day! While most ladies may decide to sleep in, I will be up watching the beautiful bride while putting in my morning miles on the treadmill! To say I am excited is an understatement. I don’t think they’ll ever be a day where I am AS excited to get up early in the morning for my run!

One thing most everyone knows…Kate is going to be absolutely beautiful that day. She’s always so poised and polished. She always looks amazing (I envy her beautiful clothing collection, and the day she wore this red and black skirt suit and then her other recent appearance in the navy skirt suit…goodness, I love it!) And as always, she carries herself with such grace and always with a beautiful smile on her face!

Speaking of grace….all of this excitement over the Royal Wedding has me looking back at photos of the amazingly gorgeous Grace Kelly from her wedding day. She was a princess after all! Grace Kelly’s wedding day looked positively perfect. Her dress was exquisite, the detail amazing. I would have loved to be a guest at her wedding so that I could experience firsthand, Grace Kelly as a bride. Has anyone ever looked more classic and stunning?!

Friday morning the internet and television is going to be flooded with photos of Kate and I am positive that she will choose a dress with beautiful details and a silhouette that will stand the test of time, just like Grace Kelly’s dress has. Although maybe not many brides' first choice of "cut"with the lace sleeve and neckline, it is still incredibly timeless and cannot be described as anything less than beautiful.

Anticipating the brides big moment,

Positively Preppy in Pink


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