Bentley's Vintage Thingie

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Bentley and I are out in the garden this morning when suddenly I find Bentley with an old toy. "Mom is this vintage?" Well, let's see Bentley, it's an old squeek toy that belonged to Bitterman many years ago while the first George Bush was in office.

Dan Quayle is on his shoulder. Bitterman chewed off the nose long ago. (This is not a political commentary, just a fact). That was one of Bitterman's favorite toys when he was a puppy, and that was over 20 years ago, so yes, I think it's vintage.

Do you want to show it for Suzanne's Vintage Thingie Thursday at The Colorado Lady?
Let's show a picture of sweet little Bitterman too.

So Bentley, are you working on your big pink post for Saturday?? Bentley?? He's not answering, but I know he's working on it!!

Susan and Bentley


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