Start the Weekend Off Right

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I don’t know about all of you, but I am READY for the weekend to be here!

Yesterday I finally cashed in on that free pedicure (well, originally it was going to be a manicure) that my co-worker offered me for doing a little project for her on the side of normal business hours. We went to the cutest place and now my toesies are a shade of peony pink. A fresh pedicure is one of the most perfect ways to go into the weekend for sure! I really enjoyed the time away from the office and learning more about my co-worker. She’s actually higher up on the work ladder than I am so it was great to pick her brain and find out more about why she loves her job and of course I couldn’t help but ask her a few questions about her family and life in New York City. I’m not one to spend a lot of money on having my nails done, but I may just have to visit this place once a month – so relaxing! I was attempting to take a photo of my pretty pink polish, but this little guy kept hopping in all of my photos!

I think we’re going to be having a low-key weekend around our parts. Especially since the last few weekends we have been busy, busy! I’ve been meaning to finally transfer all of my music from my old computer to my new one so that’s definitely on the list (exciting, right?!). I’m also planning on finishing up my design inspiration board for our apartment. Again, I’m not going to be going crazy with major transformations, but little things here and there will make a big difference! :)

I’ve also got a few “eats” planned for the weekend including trying out a few “sweet” spots around the city. We’ll see how many I actually make it to! I’m also planning on doing a little baking since last weekend I really never got around to it although I did make a mean boxed chocolate cake garnished with Reese’s and chocolate buttercream while my brother-in-law was still in town. I thought it turned out just “OK” which is why I’m not posting any pretty photos for you here today! ;) Luckily I have an office with co-workers who don’t mind indulging in baked goods – I plan on bringing the majority of my creations to work with me on Monday so that I don’t eat them all myself!

Luckily, my weekend will really start off on the right foot…later this afternoon (around 3pm) I’m going to be seeing the new movie, Bridesmaids, with a few of my co-workers! I’ve heard some great things about it and can’t wait to relax and see a movie (something I haven’t done for a while!).

Happy Friday!


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