Hi girls! How about coming over to play some bridge this afternoon. The coffee is ready. Make yourself comfortable at my old card table. I just love this vintage card table cover, don't you?
Do you take cream and sugar or just black?
If you need a refresher course, don't worry. I have my Mom's old contract bridge books for reference.
Here are some vintage playing cards. Can't you just hear Lucy say, "Caroline when are you going to get some new cards?? We've been playing with these same dirty old cards for ages!!" Lucy said something like that to Caroline Appleby when Ethel, Ricky and Fred bet her $50.00 that she couldn't tell the truth for 24 hours!
Okay, take off your gloves girls and lets play cards!
It's been a while since I have played. Hand me those contract bridge books will you please?? While I am refreshing my memory ... have some more coffee and go visit Suzanne for Vintage Thingie Thursday and Susan's 100th posting of Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps on the Porch.
Don't peek at the other players cards Bentley, it is not fair!
Susan and Bentley
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