Some Fun Awards!

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I am having a crazy busy day at work today so I thought I would say thank you to three bloggers who passed on “awards” to me this week!
First, My Life as a Young Southern Prep awarded me the Versatile Blogger award!! Her blog is just SO cute, so definitely check it out! Thank you, thank you YSP!! :)

Then the lovely Kate at Nautical by Nature passed along these two awards! Thanks, Kate! :) Everyone knows how fabulous Kate's blog is!

Finally, the fabulous Pink Champagne passed along the same awards (they must be going around, huh?!). Thank you, thank you!! :)

The rules for these awards are pretty similar so I am going to combine them. I am supposed to list 7 & 10 things about myself, so I'm going to meld it all together and list 10! Finally, I must pass the awards on to 15 newly discovered bloggers!

So ten things..hmmm…here goes...

1. I love buying magazines when I go to the grocery store. I know it is WAY more expensive to just subscribe and receive them in the mail (which is also really fun), but I always get so excited about seeing all of the new magazines on the stands and picking out one (or two!) to enjoy before I go to bed that night! My most recent purchase…Vogue with Gwyneth Paltrow on the cover – I love her so it was the perfect choice!

2. A few weeks ago I was craving girl scout cookies so I googled to find out if there was any place I could buy some…unfortunately the girl scouts really stick to their guns with the whole “cookie selling season” thing. Boo.

3. I’m growing out my eyebrows for the fall/winter. I know, this probably sounds crazy and it’s not like I am going to let them go wild and have stray hairs all over the place, but I always like to have a little bit fuller eyebrows in the fall and winter. Anyone else with me on that?! There are so many beautiful women with full eyebrows! I love the way Brooke Shields and Jessica Stam groom their brows! :)

4. I am absolutely obsessed with Lypsyl lip balm. It’s the absolute best. I used to really love Burt’s Bees (not stick form, but tin form), but I started to find it felt too thick on so I switched to Lypsyl and will never go back! If you haven’t tried it, do! – it’s amazing!

5. I still use my EXTREMELY old-school Samsung phone – yes, that's right people, it doesn’t even have a camera feature. I’ve never really cared that much about the latest and greatest gadgets, but seeing as this phone is seriously on its last leg; I may be joining the up-to-date cell phone world sooner than I thought I would.

6. I’m already looking forward to eating the top tier of our wedding cake on our first anniversary. Our baker did such an amazing job with our wedding cake and I am DYING for a taste right about now!

7. I keep track of all of the things that I love from magazines, online photos, etc. by organizing things in binders with those clear sheet protectors. I have a “Beauty & Fashion” binder, “Home Decorating Inspiration” binder, and a “Recipe” binder. More on this another day!

8. I’m extremely competitive – with just about EVERYTHING. I realize that sometimes it actually serves as one of my flaws, but I just can’t help myself…it’s the way God made me!

9. I’m absolutely in love with sophisticated southern accents (like my husband’s), but I completely despise “red-neck” southern slang.

10. In high school I changed my purse EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. so that it matched my outfit. Now I pretty much only rotate bags once or twice every season. I need to start changing more so that I can get some use out of my pretty purses!

So like most people I'm going to break the rules a bit and tag a few of the blogs I am currently loving...


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