Red Plate Special

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It's Rednesday again!! Sue over at It's a Very Cherry World is opening up her Rednesday Diner and I am joining up with her to show you my "Red Plate Special". The Red Plate Special for today is a red ripe and delicious tomato sandwich served on lightly toasted white bread. Now don't go expecting the crusts cut off like at those fancy places. At the Rednesday Diner we believe in fiber, and yep, those crusts have fiber all right!! And you get a nice cold glass of milk with that sandwich, and no substitutions.

We use only nice ripe, juicy tomatoes. Mmmm, mmm, now don't they look tasty?

And we slather on some good old mayo. We don't serve any of the fancy gourmet stuff at the Rednesday Diner. Now how about a cookie with that glass of milk?

Thanks for stopping by and trying our Red Plate Special! You all come back now you hear??

Susan and Bentley


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