Review: Lush Oatifix Fresh Face Mask

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I got hold of an Oatifix fresh face mask as part of the Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes kit I bought a little while back. Sarah and I both love oats as part of home made beauty recipes, so I was keen to try out Lush's oat mask and compare it to the ones I've made myself.

Oatifix is made up of oatmeal (no surprises there), bananas, ground almonds, and vanilla. The first thing you notice when using it is the gorgeous smell - it smells delicious and totally edible. Probably because largely, it is, although it's not something that Lush recommend. Once you've finished sniffing the tub and try to put it on your face, however, things become a bit less lovely. Because it's, well, oaty, the product isn't smooth and it's very hard to get an even layer to stick to your face. Particularly when it's just out of the fridge, where it should be kept to ensure freshness.

Once you manage to get it to stick, it has a definite softening effect on the skin. After fifteen minutes, it hardens slightly, and you can get a bonus exfoliation effect by gently buffing it off with a little bit of warm water. Skin is left feeling soft and smooth, and not at all irritated - I'd think this would suit even the most sensitive of skins, as it is very gentle.

Comparing it to oat-based face masks I've made myself in the past, it's say it's probably about on a par, so if you fancy saving some pennies, it's probably worth making your own. If, however, you'd rather not make a great big mess, then a pot costs £6.45 for 75ml from Lush stores or their website.


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