In a minor "splurge" moment yesterday (following some good news) I picked up the new shower gel, "Grass". It contains neroli and bergamot (citrusy goodness, sounding promising) and wheatgrass (reputed to be nourishing), as well as the new "Ninja" fragrance. (I have no idea what that is, I just read it on the Lush website.) As I was feeling exuberant, I purchased the medium-sized 250g bottle, which costs £8.75.
It smelled pleasant in the shop, but honestly, who can smell anything properly inside a branch of Lush?
The acid test came when I actually applied it in the shower... and was transported in memory back to childhood summers, running in from the garden with filthy hands, or helping my dad in his garage workshop. Happy memories... of my dad taking my grubby little kid-hands and cleaning them with Swarfega.
Yep - whatever nourishing mix of unguents Lush has added to Grass has created a scent that my olfactory system interprets as virtually identical to the popular industrial hand-cleaner.
Of course, Swarfega is also green and gets you clean. But I don't think that was the association Lush was going for.
I'm mostly just amused by this. I don't mind using up my Swarfega shower gel - as I say, it brings back happy memories. Will I repurchase? Probably not... the original is much much cheaper.
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