Today I am participating in a very special Miracle Pink Saturday Party to celebrate Colette Gauthier's miracle. I am linking up with Kelee at
Katillac Shack , Beverly at
How Sweet the Sound and Sherry at
Country Wings in Phoenix. Please go to their sites and read about Colette's story of healing. Here are some vintage angels in gowns with pink ruffled edges. They are a reminder to us all that angels watch over each of us.
As a young child, I became very ill. I was suffering from pneumonia and although I was given large doses of antibiotic, my body was not responding. The doctors told my parents to prepare to lose me. I drifted out of my body and remember seeing my parents and the doctors below me. I tried to let them know that I was fine, but they could not hear me. My little body was just a shell.
Our souls are what matters. There is so much more to our Lord's Kingdom than what we can see from our bodies. We are here to love one another and to love and honor Him. When we do, miracles occur. Colette's story is a reminder of the power we have when we work for others in His name. Please visit another angel, my dear friend Erin of The
Painted Garden. She donated a one of her lovely paintings for Colette's room planned by Kelee and her design crew. You can have a chance to win one of Erin's paintings when you visit Kelee at the Katillac Shack. By the way, Erin has a dog named Bentley too!!
With Love and God's Blessings,
Susan and Bentley
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