Yet More Illamasqua Deals

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Illamasqua are now stocked by, one of our favourite online beauty stores.  As a special opening offer, they are offering a free nail varnish in Boosh with any two Illamasqua purchases.

With the current slew of money off deals from the brand, and their move into online beauty emporia (unusual for a high end boutique brand), I'm wondering what the future holds for them.  Either they're on a major expansion kick, looking to get their products into as many makeup bags as possible... or their sales figures are looking a little weak and the company is trying to drive them up.  I'm hoping it's the former; despite thinking that the products are a little overpriced, I like Illamasqua as a company and think it's great to have a unique British brand with such a strong identity in the market.


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