As you know, M.’s graduation from Law School is coming up this Sunday. Family that might normally attend his graduation celebration is instead waiting the few weeks to come for the wedding instead. I wanted to make sure that everyone at the wedding could be reminded of his recent graduatio
This was a super inexpensive project and the results are SUPER cute (at least I thought so)! Let me tell you how I made them…
First I started with all of my supplies – Maroon and sunflower yellow cardstock, Zip Dry paper glue, “Woodsies” picks, gold embossing powder, an
I made a pennant pattern out of a piece of cardboard. I cut it to the size I wanted and then using Microsoft Word I figured out just how big the lettering could be to fit inside my pre-made shape. I printed on the maroon cardstock the school name, and even though it’s hard to see in the photos, the letters actually start big and go smaller as they get to the point of the pennant. After printing the school name (in a medium gray ink rather than black) 16 times on the cardstock I then traced my pattern around the lettering.
After tracing the shape I got to the embossing. It is much easier to emboss on the larger sheet of paper rather than cutting the shapes and then trying to emboss. The pennants are far too small to have good control of once they’re cut. I used the embossing pen to trace over the printed letters, covered the wet ink with
While I was waiting to be sure each was set, M. so kindly traced a second pennant size (just slightly bigger than the maroon pennants) on the sunflower colored cardstock. Once the whole sheet was set and cooled I cut apart each maroon, embossed pennant and then cut out all of the yellow pennants.
I finally made it to the really simple steps. I pulled out the Zip Dry glue and started to assemble the pennants by gluing the maroon pennant on top of the yellow pennant so that each had a “gold” background. Finally, I used the same glue to attach each cardstock pennant to a wood pick. I even repeated all of these steps to make a set of Georgetown pennants too, since he split his time between the two schools! I ended up with about 90 miniature pennants total. The best part about these little cuties is the gold metallic embossing powder that I used on the maroon and the silver metallic embossing powder that I used on the G-Town blue -- they really make each little pennant pop!
At the wedding, each cupcake on M.’s grooms table will be accented with one of these mini pennants! I am so pleased with the way they turned out and I can’t wait to see my crafty work displayed with the rest of the table accents at the reception! :)
Happy Tuesday!

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