After yesterday morning’s semi-rant about missing my morning workout, I did what any "Half-Type-A" (I don’t consider myself to be completely Type A) gal should do…I wrote out a schedule. I’ve always loved having a set schedule and when I accomplish my “to-do’s” I always feel even better about myself.
So yesterday after my rant I printed out a new calendar for the current month and next month and got to work planning out my workouts and meals (I’ve been slacking in the meal planning area too). This way, I can check things off of my list when I finish them AND I can keep up my running schedule without getting bored or choosing the “sleep-in” option. Instead of planning only mileage out, I incorporated some fun treadmill work from THIS website. I’m looking forward to tackling my first “Treadmill Work” routine because I think it will help me to keep from getting bored and slacking off again.
Don’t worry though, I’m still going to keep myself accountable (and have a constant reminder of what I’ve run for the week) in my sidebar running counter! I’m leaving for a weekend in North Carolina on the evening of June 10th, so my goal is to have run 100 miles by my weekend away. Yes, maybe a hefty goal, but I think I can do it. That keeps my daily running total to only about 4.2 miles which is totally doable in my eyes. What I’d really like to do is try to break the 800 mark which would mean I’d need to run 106.54 miles in the next 24 days. We’ll see about that one…
In other news, last night was my brother-in-laws last night staying with us in New York City. Obviously we needed to do something super fun on his last night here and a show was the perfect way to cap off his visit. M. and his brother woke up a little earlier yesterday to stand in line for the $30 tickets for How to
I’ve never been a crazy Harry Potter fan, but not only was this show AMAZING, but Daniel Radcliffe was AWESOME. I was impressed by his singing and acting and thought he was just the cutest thing. John Larroquette was also HILARIOUS and had the perfect comedic timing – loved him! Finally, the actors who played the lead female role and the funny-nephew were just too great! I loved everything about this show and would actually love to see it again.
The best part about the $30 tickets….we were in front row seats, stage right which meant PRIME views of both Daniel and John and of course the totally fun costumes and set. Even though they were considered “limited view” seats, the only thing we couldn’t see was one part of the set which only appeared in two scenes for about 1 minute each!
If you haven’t seen this show and have the opportunity to see it, I highly recommend it – I loved every minute!! :)
Off to work now – busy day ahead conquering projects left and right!
PS: Everyone wish my husband a happy first day at his new job! He started today and I KNOW he is ABSOLUTELY thrilled! :)

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