MAN REVIEW! Soap & Glory Knock Your Spots Off

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Here's another of our illustrious MAN REVIEWs, this time from Vas, who you may remember from my post about my experience at his podiatry practice, The Shah Clinic. Vas sportingly agreed to continue his LBR involvement with a review of Soap & Glory's Knock Your Spots Off, a topical blemish treatment from S&G's new(ish) men's range.

Take it away Vas...

I was recently offered this little tube of a million ingredients to try out. Now I don’t have particularly spotty skin – nor is it flawless, so I thought I’d be an appropriate guinea pig for it.

On first glance, it’s hard to actually work out what it is until you study the packaging which is full of phrases like “super powered” and “it puts the kung fu grip on zits”. I think this product is possibly aimed at a younger audience than me.

It contains salicylic acid which is mildly anti-inflammatory, aloe vera to calm and Cypress extract which is antibacterial, and claims to work on pimples and razor bumps.

Taking off the top feels like you have opened a bottle of vodka as the high concentration of alcohol hits you. The gel is clear and fairly thick in consistency. The package advises to apply directly to a spot. However this does mean that after its dried you are left with a crusty white bit on your face so you may want to rub it in a bit.

After using this product for a couple of weeks I found it made minimal improvement to any pimples and no difference to razor bumps – but then my stubble is dark and coarse. 

It’s a good combination of ingredients that would work if they upped the concentration of salicylic acid which tends to be miniscule in supermarket spot treatments. Not sure about the humungous list of ingredients either.

Unfortunately this one was not for me. There are better products out there.

Knock Your Spots Off is £5.99, available at Boots, who are currently offering 3 for 2 on men's skincare.


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