Review: Skin MD Shielding Lotion

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Disclosure: This product was sent to us free for review purposes

You'll see plenty of reviews of this product out there in blogland, for Skin MD Natural is a brand who have embraced Noo Meedya wholeheartedly and invited lots of bloggers to give their lotion a try.

They must have felt pretty confident that we'd enjoy their product, and I must say that in my case they were 100% correct.

This light, white, faintly-scented lotion is intended for use on hands, face and body. It has a gorgeous texture - totally non greasy. It even passes my Keyboard Handcream Test - I'm wearing it now as I type and my hands are moving frictionlessly over the keys. No stickiness, no clamminess, nothing.

When something is moisturising and smooth without being greasy you can usually guess that there's a silicone-based ingredient in the mix, and Dimethicone does feature in the Shielding Lotion formula. However it's ranked in the ingredient list below Aloe extract, and only two above Vitamin E, suggesting that these two "hero" ingredients (lusciously illustrated on the bottle there) are present in comparable amounts to the silicone. There are also other herbaciously virtuous-sounding things like comfrey, chamomile and yarrow. And yes, it is paraben free, cruelty free and free of animal products.

The lotion is branded as a dermatologically approved, quasi-medical solution for problem skin, with unprecedented moisturising ability (6 times the humectant power of gylcerin, apparently). I am a good test case, unfortunately, suffering as I do from dermatitis and keratosis pilaris on my upper arms. I have been applying Shielding Lotion after baths and showers for a few weeks now and I have found it very calming on the scaly, itchy dermatitis. It isn't quite as soothing as the Aveeno lotion I was using before, however, and at £14.99 for 120ml, would work out as quite an expensive body treatment in comparison.

I would recommend this wholeheartedly as a hand cream, and it may be worth trying as a topical treatment for red, itchy skin (I would strongly suggest you take your doctor's advice first if you do have unaccounted-for skin irritation however). There is also an SPF 15 version available for those who want to use this as a day cream.

Shielding Lotion is available in various sizes and formats from Skin MD Natural's US website. They do ship to the UK an orders are generally delivered within 7 days. Our sample arrived quickly and was securely packaged in a box. There are also third-party distributors in the UK listed on


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