Trim Tuesday

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I’m back in goal making mode for whatever reason, but I’m thinking maybe it’s the warm weather just over the horizon that’s making me crazy for setting new goals daily. I'm making goals for everything...future projects, career opportunities, daily well being. It’s a good thing people.

Anyway, so recently with the start of the high protein plan and my dedication to my workouts I figured, heck, why not add one more thing into the mix. I don’t remember where I came across this little “challenge,” but I am more than willing to take a stab at it. The 100 push ups challenge. No, you didn’t accidentally blink and see the number 100 in the same sentence with push-ups. Over the course of 6 weeks (7 if you count the “final test”) you build up your strength with push-ups until you reach the end where you are supposed to be able to do 100 push-ups. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?!

I’ve NEVER had great upper body strength, but I was a competitive swimmer and had a mean butterfly stroke back in the day. Of course, swimming a race of butterfly and doing 100 consecutive push-ups is a whole different story. I did the initial test on Sunday evening and managed only 5 good form push-ups (seems lame, but when you do them in "good form" they are a lot harder than when you simply do "quick push-ups") – like get your chest all the way to the ground push-ups. I officially started the challenge yesterday morning and let me tell you…it’s not all that easy. I’m looking forward to the increased upper body strength though…and the glory of finally putting the little “100 Push-Ups” logo in the sidebar of my blog! :) Accomplishing goals is even more exciting than making the goals!

Have you been setting any new goals lately?!

PS: My husband is doing the push-ups challenge as well. I love having a partner to set goals of my favorite parts of being married! :)


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