Tick-Tock...The Weekend Awaits!

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Hooray! It’s finally Friday and I am more than just a little excited! It shaping up to be another great weekend in the city!

Last night I decided to take a bath. Yes, a bath. Sometimes, you just need a little relaxation and even though our NYC apartment tub is nothing to write home about I still loved every minute of my 35 minutes of nothing but listening to my music.

This morning I was greeted by yet another wonderful surprise. I have for the second time won a little department contest taking place. I’m looking forward to spending that bonus 25 bucks on something fun. In addition, it’s my favorite “buy lunch” day with some of my favorite co-workers. Delicious salad here I come…and remember all you Catholics out there…no meat today! I have to say though, I’m pretty sad because I found out one of my favorite coworkers is actually moving to DC in the coming months. It’s funny actually, her husband and her are doing the exact opposite of what my husband and I did. He got a new job in Washington, DC so he has already moved there and she is continuing to work here until they officially “find a place” and until she feels comfortable leaving her job. I’ll really miss her, but I’m thankful for the time I’ve had to get to know her!

As an update to the “high protein plan” that my husband and I have been doing together – we have stuck to it all week! I even made it through a little office birthday party yesterday in which not only did I have to resist eating a cupcake at the actual party, but I also had to resist BUYING a cupcake for myself (at my favorite bakery mind you) since I was the one picking up the goods. Now THAT is self control ladies (yes, I’m patting myself on the back for this one…I love a good cupcake!). So my dad told me that I would certainly lose weight on this plan and of course most of it is water weight, but I must tell you, I don’t miss those 6 pounds at all. Yep – 6 pounds in five days. This would certainly be an amazing “plan” for anyone who is trying to jump start a weight loss plan! I’ve kept up my workouts and honestly I don’t miss all of the processed foods or breads as much as I thought I would. Again, the first day was hard, but after that it’s been pretty smooth sailing. We’ll see if I decide to keep up this plan! :)

Either way, my dad (who is a doctor, but I am not therefore don’t take any of this as medical advice or try to sue me if you try out this plan and injure yourself/get sick PLEASE) said that you are allowed one “cheat” day a week. Of course I was pretty excited about this and we will be using our “cheat” day tomorrow. I can already smell the delicious toasted bagel that I’m going to have tomorrow morning…and a couple of those delicious Girl Scout cookies are calling my name! It’s going to be like Christmas morning people!

Tomorrow there is a high of 58 degrees so I am thinking a nice long walk will be in order. Central Park is calling my name…and maybe a little shopping too! :)

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!


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