Pink or Blue: baby gender predictions

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Yes, it is time to play...

pink ... or ... blue?
photo credit
I mentioned last week that we are expecting a new little one at the end of the summer. Thanks for all your congratulations and sweet thoughts! We go in for our big anatomy check ultrasound next week, so get your baby predictions in!

Why? Because it's fun. And because you've got a 50-50 chance of being right, so long as you stick to known species.

Oh, and because one randomly drawn guesser (correct or incorrect) will win the pair of earrings that I don't keep to indicate the gender of this upcoming child:
pink... or.... blue
the pink is slightly more toward purple than this shows
and the blue is slightly less toward purple than this shows :)

Oh, and I WILL most definitely ship internationally. Because I think it's totally awesome that you read my blog from another country and perhaps even another continent (Hello Tera and Amy and Vanessa!)

A quick note about the use of gender: using gender to refer to male or female is, in my opinion, the wimpy way to say sex because you're afraid of saying s-e-x. But, I will use gender when necessary because I'm not really sure what Blogger will think of me using the S word repeatedly. I would hate to be flagged as an adult-content blogger! :)

As you make your gender predictions, here is some potentially useful or useless information:

This is baby #2. Baby #1 is a boy. This pregnancy has been, thus far, very much like pregnancy #1 -- I haven't been sick a day so far (knock on wood), and I crave lots of sweets. And sleep. Nothing much else to report. I'm pretty darn lucky that way.

Updated to add some pictures of me and my bump for Amy to make a more informed guess :)
The smile is in response to my husband's "Aren't you going to smile?"
Yes, I do have that much skin on my neck, apparently :)
Oh, and a top view and close-up side view.

According to the Chinese gender chart: girl

Old wives say that...
extra weight around my hips and rear (delightful!) = girl
leg hair growing at the same rate as pre-pregnancy = girl
carrying low = boy
my pillow facing south = girl
(my main pillow for my head faces west, but my belly-support pillow most often faces south)
feet no colder now than pre-pregnancy = girl
my preference to the non-heel slices of bread = girl
my skinny husband NOT gaining weight along with me = girl
my mother has graying hair (and looks great!) = boy
no morning sickness in early pregnancy = boy
looking "particularly good" during pregnancy = boy
(because girls steal their mothers' beauty)
dramatic chest development during pregnancy = girl
the sum of the mother's age at conception and the number of the month of conception is an odd number = girl
dull yellow urine (gross!) = girl
craving sweets = girl
no nose flattening during pregnancy = girl
craving fruit = girl
baby's heart rate above 140 beats per minute = girl
craving and drinking (way) more orange juice = girl
baby kicks on the right = boy

So, according to the Chinese and the old wives together:
25% chance of a boy
75% chance of a girl

which is only slightly different from Mother Nature's statistics of
50% chance of a boy
50% chance of a girl


Mama's intuition says girl
Daddy's guess is boy
("just so that if it IS a boy he's got some cheers!")

Pudge says... 
well, he's 18 months old and generally clueless about this baby, so he doesn't have a guess. And either way, he'd probably be happier with a puppy. Or a duck. :)

So, enter your predictions in the comments (by the afternoon of Tuesday, April 12)! And get excited because, boy or girl, we're halfway* to having a BABY!

*Halfway, yes, technically, at 20 weeks. But that is kind of a lie because for the first 4 weeks you don't know you're pregnant and the last 4 weeks stretch out to be about a year. I think a good halfway point is around 26 weeks, personally -- I'd rather "peak" toward the end than the beginning. :)


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