The fabulous Gwen of Gwenny Penny is part of a great new "thing" -- Point of View: a creative collaboration. The idea is that the six Point of View members each share their take on each month's theme and host a linky party where all the rest of us can also share our takes on the same theme. I love seeing how different creative minds work!
This month's theme is skirts, so that was the kickstart that I needed to finally complete this project that I've had sitting in my messy craft closet for well over 6 months:
I started with this cute skirt that I've had since high school (and probably haven't ironed since then either, judging from the wrinkles...):
High school really wasn't long ago on the calendar, but as far as changing body types go -- after college and a baby -- it may as well have been a different lifetime, you know?
I held out hope that I'd be able to wear this skirt again because I loved it so much. I gave up hope when this past summer, at the fittest I've ever been in my LIFE... it still didn't fit. More accurately: it fit in the waist, but not in the hips.
Hmm... apparently this is why (most) moms can't shop in the juniors section any more -- we actually have HIPS. I have no problem with my mom-body (at least most days ;) and its accompanying hips, so I didn't want to be the mom-in-denial who was still trying to squeeze into the skinny-hip skirt. But I also didn't want to let go of the skirt because it is my favorite spring and summer skirt.
to accommodate the growing bump that is housing this little one:
And don't worry... you won't see this little floating baby thing probably ever again because I think this widget is CREEPY. Did you see you can even tickle the baby? And it laughs? Creepy.
The finished skirt fits great and will be fantastic to wear all warm-weather-season long!
I have many plans for adding similar box-pleats to a couple other skirts that I'd love to have fit my hips again, and for the next five months in particular. :)
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Skinny-Hip to Maternity Skirt Refashion
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