I am slightly (OK, more than slightly) horrified that Lindsay Lohan is (as the press says) “channeling Grace Kelly” in an upcoming Vanity Fair photo shoot for the October cover/issue. Seriously?I used to actually kind of like Lohan…in fact, I still find Mean Girls just as funny as the first time I saw it, but these days…just no. I will be surprised the day she comes out with another "good" movie. We'll see though...anything is possible.

Unfortunately the mess that she’s gotten herself into with the drugs and alcohol hasn’t helped her image, plus, she’s literally looking (and dressing) grungy…
It’s just my opinion, but she’s not looking anywhere near polished or elegant…two things Grace Kelly certainly was.
Obviously this is MY opinion and I know not everyone will agree, but it annoys me that they chose her for that “role.” Why not an actress with a little more…well…grace? There are so many celebrities who have
WAY more respect for themselves and who could “channel” Kelly just as well if not better than Lohan. Oh well, it’s the magic of selling magazines. She’s a “hot” topic in the entertainment gossip world because of all of the stupid things she’s done recently...in fact,

I suppose I am giving into all of the hype by even posting my opinion, but I just couldn't keep quiet on this one.
Either way, I don't plan on buying this issue of Vanity Fair out of respect for the real Grace Kelly. Lohan should stick to "channeling" celebrities like Marylin Monroe...seems more fitting to me....and even that may be a stretch.
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