So, Silvia and I got right down to business and cranked out this little puppy and its companion pillow (made from the negative space of the design used on the t-shirt):
The bag followed a tutorial that is no longer available online. :(
And what better time to share it than during our month of becoming a financial Housewife MacGyver, right? :)
This was my first time ever using (as well as seeing, touching, and feeling) heat transfer with Silvia, and I have only one word:
Okay, maybe three more:
love love LOVE
Are you getting the heat-transfer-love here? My love could only increase if the stuff was more readily available in a store here instead of having to buy it online. My local Roberts' ladies looked at me like I was crazy when I asked about heat transfer, but luckily one of them had heard something or other and was able to show me that they do, in fact stock two types of heat transfer: black flat and black flocked.
Luckily, black was just the color I was looking for. Or at least close to the gray I was looking for. I went with flocked because... why not?
Anyway, back to the heat-transfer-love... Once I got the design made and cut on my Silhouette, it was SO easy to go from cut heat transfer to finished shirt. After weeding (and the weeding was EASY even with my intricate design) -- 5 minutes. After the initial hour of first-time project jitters. :)
I have a tutorial coming for you, but since it's a Silhouette tutorial, the technical writer in me is screaming to start from the beginning -- start with the basics and then get into the fun projects.
So, dear readers, what do you prefer? Do you have a Silhouette and want just the fun project tutorial? Or do you have a Silhouette and want to start with the basics and get the fun tutorial in a couple of weeks? Or do you not have a Silhouette and are green with envy and would like me to stop even saying the word Silhouette? Let me know... your wish is my command. :)

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