Lancome Hypnose Waterproof: Very Waterproof Indeed

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Without going into too much boring (and frankly non-beauty related) detail, I've had a rather terrible week. I've been stressed, happy, sad, and upset. Thankfully though, from amongst all of these not so good things, a good thing has emerged.

Usually, it's kinda hard to test a waterproof mascara to its limits - you can dunk your face in some water, but that doesn't really model real life much. Lots of crying, however, is one kind of thing you might want a waterproof mascara to withstand.

This morning I applied some Lancome Hypnose Waterproof mascara, anticipating some tears; this evening, after many tears, my eyes are puffy, but my mascara has not budged. Nope, not one little bit.

Cloud. Silver lining. Excellent.

Available from Lancome's website (or Boots, if you want the Advantage points) for the princely sum of £20, which is a fair bit, but potentially worth it for the lack of panda eyes.


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