The Beautiful Blogger Award!

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I was tagged by the wonderful blogger over at Be Happy NYC for the Beautiful Blogger Award! I figured this would be a great way to show you a few more of my favorite pictures from M. and my engagement party as well as share a few special facts about myself!
1. I love my job (the work environment, my coworkers, and my boss)! I am so lucky to be employed in these difficult economic times and for my first job (well, kind of second job I guess) I am very pleased!

2. I am addicted to online shopping and I'm not so much in love with "in real life" shopping. I think I really just like getting things in the mail, but it seems like I have a pretty good eye when I am looking online and most of the things I buy I rarely ever return because I love them! Although, I must say I do enjoy shopping with my mom & sister or my friends!
3. Someday I may want to go to culinary school. I've said it many times on my blog before, but I'm not the most amazing cook -- I would love to learn great cooking techniques so that when I am married/someday have children/someday host parties of my own I can really WOW people with my cooking.

4. I love Yorkshire Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, and as I like to call them "Big Headed" Westies (I call them this because I like the way that they look when the fur on their bodies is short, but the fur on their head is left a little more "poufy". It's my hope that in the next few years M. will give in a get me one of these dogs and then eventually I may have one of each -- then they can have play dates with my puppy at home, Roxy!

5. Someday when I have my dream job I am going to buy myself my very first Chanel purse (the classic, quilted 2.55). I suppose it is kind of a personal "goal" for myself. I want to be an independent (but married, of course! love you, M.!) woman & for some reason this will validate the fact that I've actually "made something of myself " in the career world.

6. I'm not sure when I want to have kids. Obviously I am still VERY young and I am nowhere near ready yet. I think that I want to have three (we'll see after having my first!), but I also know that I want to have a career and a job that I absolutely love. I am excited for my future sister-in-law to have her first baby (no, she's not pregnant yet) so that M. and I can go play with her or him!

7. I would love to take photography classes. I would also love to buy a fabulous camera (just like the one our engagement photographer, Carra uses!) because I love taking pictures and documenting the things that happen in my family and my life!

I'm not sure who has received this award, but I'll just tag the seven blogs I am absolutely loving these days!

Pretty Bride
Thank you again, Be Happy NYC -- go check out her blog, it's great! :)

Tonight I am attending a girls "drink" night -- meaning delicious martini's and appetizers! I'm really excited to spend some time with the girls and celebrate the weekend! :) Everyone have a wonderful Friday!


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