On Monday night myself and a bunch of Beauty Crazed readers were lucky enough to attend an advance screening of Love & Other Drugs which releases today. I wish I had been given more passes to hand out, I know lots of you wanted to attend and I had no more tickets! For those of you who didn't go but were thinking of seeing it, I thought you might be interested in what we thought of it. Two people were kind enough to answer my request for their opinion so here you go:
Tara: I was looking forward to this movie as it has both Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway. The movie was okay but I was a bit underwhelmed. I think I was expecting more considering the cast. I thought the movie would be more about a Viagra salesperson, but really, it was more the story of a man who falls in love with a women living with Parkinson's. There's a lot of nudity in the film, which did surprise me. Overall, I think this movie is better suited for a rental at home, considering all the nudity as well, hehe, but that's just my opinion.
Antonia: I enjoyed the film! It was definitely different than what was depicted in the trailers. Not a typical romantic comedy but I loved the chemistry between Anne Hathaway and Jake Gylenhaall. A great date movie or one to see with your girlfriends!
I took my husband and we really enjoyed it - I have to say though, romantic comedies sure have changed! There is a LOT of nudity - if you have ever wondered what Anne Hathaway looked like without clothes on, this is your chance! The up side to that is that my husband didn't complain once that I was making him see a "girl" movie! He was disappointed though that he wouldn't have the opportunity to use any of the great moves that Jake Gyllenhall's character had for picking up women!
And just for something different, here is Anne Hathaway with clothes on at the Love & Other Drugs New York premiere - if you are wondering what she has on her eyes to make them look so amazing, it's NARS Thebes Duo Cream Eyeshadow - both shades mixed together.
Anyone else seen this yet? What did you think?
- Lisamarie -
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