It is raining cats and dogs here in DC today which means yet another gloomy day in our Nations Capitol. I have a huge mailing to work on today and my boss just threw 40 new associations (which I've never seen until today) on my desk to add to my list of already 400+. Lovely.
So last night during dinner M. and I were discussing his new job
(which he LOVES by the way) and how so far it hasn't been too stressful. Then our conversation shifted to "stressful jobs" and we attempted to make a list of the most stressful jobs. Luckily my job isn't overly stressful (although at times it can seem that way), but we were having a hard time coming up with a solid list of typically stressful jobs.
So I figured on this rainy, gloomy, lame DC day I would pose the question to you, my dear readers. I would love to hear from you --
What do you think are the most stressful jobs?! Do you have a stressful job? If so, what do you do?!
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