Happy Halloween everyone! No parties or costumes for me this year. Today I am simply dressed as a twenty-something who dislikes works on Monday's. Oh how the times have changed!BUT, I think it's so sweet how all of the parents out there in "blog"world are posting photos of their kids in their Halloween costumes. M. and I obviously don't have any babies yet, but I know that when we do, I will be SUPER excited about dressing them up!
My mom always had the best costumes for us to wear - of course they were always hand-sewn and extremely detailed. I was everything under the
sun....Cinderella (of course), Dorothy (from the Wizard of Oz), a "Flapper Girl" (one of my absolute favorites since I loved the swing-y fringe trim that was sewn all over my dress), the not-so-original, but-always-cute Witch (Again, loved my dress on this one with it's tulle overlay, orange satin top piece covered with orange sequins...and, of course the obligatory pointy hat!) and then one year, my mom dressed me and my sister up as a piece of cherry pie and a piece of birthday cake.
I got to be the cherry pie and I still think this is such a creative costume and one that can be duplicated even if you don't have the hand-sewn red satin "cherries". That year, our costumes were even mentioned on the radio in our town after being seen walking together in a town-wide trick-or-treat eve
ning. This must have been the phase of pictures where I didn't like smiling with my teeth. :)So even though I don't have any "babies" to dress up yet, I felt like our little pup deserved a "costume" so this year, our pup is going as "WoofAEL NADog". If you're confused by the pronunciation of this "costume" I don't really blame you, but since we love watching tennis, and Thatcher's hair was closely resembling that of champion player Rafeal Nadal, we went with it. So here he is with his tennis racket, ball, and "sweatband" ready for Wimbledon...oh, and don't forget the trophy too! Don't worry, that mess of fur will be gone soon enough...then I guess he'll have to be "ROver Federer". :)
Have a wonderful Halloween!
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