Joining in the Dove Self-Esteem Weekend can be as simple as talking about self-esteem with a young girl, sending an encouraging message to someone you care about, organizing a group self-esteem building activity or attending a Dove Self-Esteem Fund Sponsored Public Workshop.
Recent research by the Dove Self-Esteem Fund found almost 50% of Canadian girls will refrain from participating in daily activities such as attending school, going to a social event or even sharing their opinion when they feel bad about the way they look. the research also revealed that female role models have the power to positively shape the lives of women and girls by helping them build positive self-esteem and reach their full personal potential in life.
The Dove Movement for Self-Esteem, launched in June of this year by the Dove Self-Esteem Fund, strives to support positive self-esteem among girls and women so they can feel more confident and reach their full personal potential. As part of the Movement, Dove will provide women and girls with self-esteem building tools and activities found at and encourage participation through regular e-mail updates. Tools range from simple conversation starters; to mother-daughter self-esteem activity booklets and more comprehensive self-esteem workshop guides for teachers and youth leaders. No matter the type of mentor you are - mother, aunt, sister, teacher, whatever - there are easy to use tools designed just for you.
"Starting an open and supportive dialogue between moms or female mentors and the girls in their lives can be the first step in ensuring the development of positive self-esteem," says Lisa Naylor, a self-esteem expert based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. "The Dove Self-Esteem Weekend is the perfect opportunity to start those conversations by spending time together and being part of a movement that promises to open up a world of possibilities for the young girls in the country."
Women and local girls' organizations can go to to see a list of easy activities they can do at home, download materials and tools for group workshops or browse a list of free public workshops in their communities sponsored by the Dove Self-Esteem Fund.
Participants can then register their chosen activities - big or small - on the site, which will then be highlighted on an interactive Dove Self-Esteem Weekend Map for everyone to see how many women and girls are taking part in North America. The map will provide a visual representation of the groundswell of support for this cause.
So easy to do and the rewards and results so worth it! We'd love to know your thoughts and if you plan on participating!
- Lisamarie -
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