I woke up at 4:30 am and tossed and turned. Could not get back
to sleep. Why? My mind was racing.
I started to get frantic about everything I need to do today.
Sometimes there is just too much going on, and sometimes (often) I am
just too tough on myself.
So I made a cup of tea and sat down to start going though my emails to make
sure that I had not missed something important. 1500 messages in my inbox!
Suddenly it occurred to me ~ my mind is just like my inbox, cluttered with
messages ... some important, and many are not so important.
So I cleared out the not so important messages ~ just dumped them in the trash.
I'm doing the same thing with those unimportant thoughts in my mind ...
just dumping them in the trash.
Ah ~ I feel better already!
I'm going to make myself another cup of tea and give Bentley a hug. Now let's
get on to the really important things, like blogging!
Susan and Bentley
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