One of the funny parts of blogging is that not only do I keep up with what's going on in my life, but I also have come to keep up with many other bloggers daily lives -- mostly people who I do not actually know in real life (although there are a few that I follow written by people I actually know!) Blogging and the blogs that I read on a daily basis certainly has become a big part of my life -- and I don't care what anyone says about it -- it's fun!
I've been asked before if most of my friends and family read my blog and the answer really is 'NO'. Yes, my immediate family knows my blog address and I think they read it pretty regularly; a few of my close friends know that I have this blog, but I'm not sure if they keep up with it everyday; and there are a few other extended family members that I know have the link to my blog and possibly read every once in a while. Other than that -- I don't like to publicly broadcast my blog -- at least not for example, as a link on my Facebook page. I actually prefer for the blog to remain somewhat anonymous (even though I realize that I do post pictures and very detailed descriptions of the things I do and where I come from/live).
My husband always gets a kick out of how I explain my blog privacy prefe

...I don't want to broadcast my blog link on Facebook or to a ton of people that I know because I like to write without everyone and their mother knowing about my life, BUT I don't mind having a bunch of strangers read about my life...
WIERD. I know. I feel like my fellow bloggers will understand what I'm trying to say, so let me explain further...Having this blog and having a little bit of privacy from all of the people that I do know/my acquaintances means that I have more freedom in what I write about. Of course I want people to read and enjoy my blog, but what I don't really want are a bunch of people I personally know reading and then commenting amongst each other about my blog (and I promise I'm not even trying to say that they would care enough to comment to each other about it, but still). Does this make any sense!?!?!
What are your feelings on your blog anonymity?? Don't you find it kind of fun to have something that is only yours?? Do you get what I'm trying to say?! Anyone? Anyone?!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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