The Girl's A Meat Eater

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Yesterday my boss let the office out early (wa-hoo for 9-3 workdays!) which meant I made it home in time to watch Oprah. Of course it was a re-run, but since I am not a loyal Oprah watcher, it was new to me. The episode (if you didn’t happen to catch it) was about the documentary Food Inc. I haven’t actually seen the documentary, but the episode showed clips from the film.

What I gathered from the clips shown is that the documentary is all about how the “food industry” has lowered their expectations of providing healthy food to its customers in lieu of providing a bigger and better product (while using TONS of antibiotics in the process). The main clip that they showed was about chicken farmers and what they’re doing now to make the chickens bigger and to “grow” them faster. Honestly it grossed me out, which is I am sure what the documentary. in part aimed to do although Oprah reminded the “audience” that “this is America, and the great thing about America is that we all get to make our own decisions and have our own opinions about things.” Thanks Oprah…

Either way, it was totally unappealing. I suppose now I can understand why some people are crazed about eating only “grass fed” or “pasture raised” meats. Of course the documentary made me think about the food I eat (Oprah’s sneaky little plan worked!) on a daily basis and the things that I buy at the grocery store.

The guest on the show was an author of best selling “food” related books, although I can’t recall his name or the book right now. What I do remember is that his most recent book laid out a list of rules for people to think about when they are doing their grocery shopping/eating in general.

I am, of course, a meat eater and I always have been. While the show didn’t inspire me enough to suddenly change over to a vegetarian lifestyle, the show did make me think about what I eat and how I should incorporate more fruits/vegetables into my diet and focus less on the “meat” of a meal. So here’s to incorporating healthier ingredients into my everyday and eating less of the “junk” that often creeps into our diets….don’t worry, I still love you cheeseburger! :)

Have any of you seen Food Inc. or did you see that Oprah episode yesterday?!


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