M. has officially finished the bar exam – actually he finished it yesterday, but nonetheless, he’s DONE! I am so excited that he has climbed that mountain because now I get to have my husband back!! All of the days/nights spent at the library have now come to an end! I know that he feels so much pressure to pass the exam and to get a job now that we’re “married folk,” but
I am just so proud of how far he’s come – I can’t wait to see what his (and our) future holds! The guy is actually in Tennessee this afternoon working on a few details with our car, but he should be back late tonight, back in my arms – can’t wait!
As I mentioned in my last posts, my mom came to visit this week so that M. wouldn’t have to rent a car to drive to VA for the exam and so that I could still get to work everyday.
It was really nice having her here, and in all of her motherly ways she helped me get some things organized in our apartment. She did a little shopping for me and brought
back some great additions for our place. Other than that we just relaxed and enjoyed the company.
Last night she taught me how to make Chicken Piccata (very similar actually to what we had for our wedding dinner) which was absolutely delicious and definitely a meal I will add to our “rotation.” Overall it was a successful and fun visit!
I still have a few things left to get in order in the apartment before M. get’s home, but now that he’s finished with the bar exam and I will be finished organizing the place since our wedding weekend – we can finally TRULY enjoy being newlyweds!Now that things will be organized I might even whip out my camera and take a few pictures of our place since I never did show off our apartment after moving in months ago and we’ve been living here for almost a year!!!
Today I am planning on finishing some projects up at work so my day tomorrow (Friday, YAY!) is easy-breezy!
Have a fabulous day! :)
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