A Peek Into My Week: 7.25.11-7.29.11

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So what was I up to this week? Well, it was quite a busy one at work and at home which meant that the days absolutely FLEW by! Here's a peek into what went into my week...

...the week started with an early taxi ride for a client meeting...

....which allowed me to experience this beautiful view from our conference room...

...I spent lots of quality time with this sweet puppy dog who is currently obsessed with this adorable green frog toy...

...had another workday task - picking out and lugging $300 worth of Swedish candy back to the office (super fun!)...

...only to ride back to the office in a cab with a driver who not only was wearing a suit and tie, but also had Frank Sinatra music blasting through his radio speakers (yes, and yes!)...

...proceeded to turn the $300 worth of Swedish candy into these AMAZINGLY-GORGEOUS, wish-I-could-keep-them-for-myself gifts for some client0s (sorry, but had to "erase" some of the stuff in the picture!)...

...and I couldn't help but fit in a little work for my special project (with the black masking tape) that I will share with you next week (here's a sneak peek, of course!).

Have a fabulous weekend! My cousin and Aunt are in town celebrating my cousin's birthday so I am excited to have the chance to spend some time with them both! :)

See you Monday!


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