Poor M. has been studying like crazy for the Bar exam coming up a week from Tuesday. He spent all of last week and all weekend at the library. He’s worked really hard and I know he’ll have no trouble with the exam, but let’s be honest –
HOW STRESSFUL!! It’s the biggest (and most important) exam of his life and being that he is as smart as he is he never feels like he’s doing enough.
**I find that the people who typically aren’t all that bright always think they’re doing too much work, and those who are bright tend to (unnecessarily) worry about not doing enough.** Either way, with M. at the library I spent the weekend by myself.
This was OK of course. I ended up getting a lot, or well not a lot, but some things accomplished.
On Friday evening (after picking M. up from the library) we went out to eat at one of our favorite local restaurants.
I ordered my favorite sandwich – I literally have dreams about this sandwich people – turkey, avocado, bacon, sweet onion marmalade, mayonnaise, and toasted bread…it’s the little things -- y
um! After dinner we headed home and watched a little TV before watching the big storm outside and all of the lightning over the Capitol.
Saturday morning I drove M. to the library, came home and pretty much relaxed all day. I did a little bit of cleaning, some organizing of my recipe binder, worked on a web design, watched
Breakfast at Tiffany’s and then took a nap. I guess I really didn’t accomplish that much on Saturday, but it was such a lovely, relaxing day. That evening was no different – I picked up M. and we went to pick up some dinner. When we got home we ended up switching between the movies Troy and American Gangster – there really wasn’t much on TV and I was in the mood for a movie.
Sunday I really got to work. I drove M. to the library and headed off to the grocery store to fill up our fridge and pantry. We’ve been on somewhat of a meal rotation lately so it was important that this week I start making a few meals for my guy.
I love going to the grocery store and I spent about an hour picking out more exciting things for us to have this week – all of course still keeping with our healthy eating, but just a little bit more variety.
Speaking of healthy eating… I’m literally back on my healthy eating/exercise plan again as of today. Last week I started it again and then ended up getting sick after my first two days back to running. Instead of trying to prolong the flu, I decided to stop running for the rest of the week until I was back 100%. So today is the day people, it’s a Monday
(I can’t “get back” to my program unless it’s a Monday…I know, it’s a weird thing, but if I am going to start a new workout regime or eating plan it always needs to start on a Monday and not in the middle or the end of the week!) and I will be using my lunch as my running time and after work I’ll be having a pow wow with Jillian Michaels.
So overall my weekend was just lovely!
I have a few more “Wedding Recaps” to share with you this week and then I want to share with you a few of my cooking adventures from yesterday! I hope everyone has a fabulous (and quick) day at work today! :)
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