Despite seeing the preview of our professional wedding photos and seeing all of the wonderful comments from family, friends, all of you and some people I don’t even know, everything was pretty much a bummer. I was pretty much annoyed by everything and everyone at work and when I would get home each evening all I wanted to do was lay around being lazy and then go to bed. I feel bad because my poor husband has been at the library every day studying for the bar exam and I know that he is stressed and anxious about this huge exam – I just so badly want it to be over with for him and I know that having me sitting around sulking is not making it any easier for him. I really need to clean my closet – it’s seriously a WRECK – I’ve been wearing the same six outfits for the last two weeks. I also really need to transfer all of my old documents/photos/music from my old computer to my new one and I’ve been saying it for about two weeks now, but I need to update my blog (the header, the side bar, reading list, etc.) I just have so little motivation to do just about anything right now. I hate dwelling on the negative, but I just feel so blah.
Wow – I am sounding like a broken record. I recall having a similar post just a few weeks ago..oh yeah, HERE it is. What is wrong with me?! Why can’t I kick this lame feeling?!
But alas, just as said in my post HERE – it is Friday and I have some exciting things to look forward to…
…this girl will be visiting this weekend! (This is one of my favorite pictures of my little sister and me just by the way!) I always have a great time when my sister is around – if nothing else, I’m sure we’ll bicker back and forth about something at some point this weekend so maybe that will help me get out some of these “annoyed” and “lame” feelings. I can always rely on my sister’s visits to include lots of laughing, smiling, fun and a small side of bickering! We love each other folks! :)
And as if that isn’t enough, my mom is also coming to stay with me the nights that M. will be gone talking his bar exam!! Should be a fun weekend/week ahead! Looking forward to it for sure!
I’m going to finish up all of the wedding recaps next week! Get excited to see some reception shots! :)
Happy Friday!
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