Coming Up Daisies - Yellow Inspiration

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Happy Thursday everyone!

My past few work weeks have been flying by…I can’t get enough of it! Thanks for all of your comments on my post yesterday! It was so interesting to read what all of you thought about high school and whether or not the "mean girls" can change or whether they will always stay the same. I'm going to a much happier place today...because let's be honest, talking about people whoa re mean is not so happy and this is POSITIVELY preppy in pink. :)

There is some absolute CRAZY heat going on in NYC today and apparently over the next few days. Not that you don’t already know there is a heat wave sweeping across the country...I can’t be the only one watching Al on the Today Show in the mornings. :)

Today I’m sporting one of my favorite jewelry pieces…a daisy necklace that I purchased a while back on a family trip to Canada. I actually got it at Banana Republic and when I think about it now, I’m surprised they carried something like this…it doesn’t really fit their overall design aesthetic. Either way, one of the reasons I love wearing this necklace (and I don’t wear it often since it’s such a “statement” piece) is because I am often drawn to the color yellow and I love the teardrop yellow crystals hanging from the daisies. I know a lot of people shy away from the color yellow, like that time after I got engaged when my sister strictly requested I NOT choose yellow for my bridesmaid dress color, but often I find it to be really pretty, especially when it’s a part of an awesome combination like yellow and blue, yellow and gray, and sometimes even yellow and black. I created a little inspiration board of my favorite uses of the color yellow.

Have a bright and cheery day! :)

**I'm that loser that always forgets to keep track of where my photos are from. If you know where any of these are from, please comment and I would be happy to credit them!**


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