• M. arrived home late last night and I was excited to welcome him back to a VERY clean and organized apartment. I finally finished my “closet” cleaning project and while my mom was here she had the genius idea of adding a shelf between the two that already exist which means that we have double the storage room now….although most of that shelf space went to shoe boxes….M. really had no idea what he was getting in to when he married me! :)
• While the apartment was nice, I think he was more excited about the brownie “cake” that I had waiting for him when he got back. I was pretty excited because it fit perfectly onto on of my new cake stands gifted to me for the wedding. Turns out though M. didn’t end up enjoying any of the cake last night since he was most ready for a good night’s sleep.
• I am super excited for this weekend! We’re going to just relax and hang out together – and for the first time since the wedding (actually, since a little bit before the wedding) M. won’t have to think about the Bar Exam! I’m excited to finally start our “honeymoon” as newlyweds. • I’m excited for the new Will Ferrell movie – The Other Guys. I’ve always loved Will Ferrell – I think he’s hilarious. Unfortunately he’s come out with some not-so-good flicks in the past few years which have tarnished him a little bit for me. It looks like “The Other Guys” might be a little less vulgar and ridiculous and more like his old Saturday Night Live hilarities.
• This morning on the radio I heard the possibilities for the celebrities that may be the new American Idol hosts. I’m not a big American Idol fan, in fact the last season I really watched was Carrie Underwood’s season, but Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler?!?!?! For some reason I don’t think they’re going to bring in any over-the-top ratings.
• This weekend I am giving myself a mani/pedi. My nails have been bare for far too long and I picked up some new pretty polish the other day that I’ve been dying to try out!
• I’m also going to finish a few projects this weekend…I’ve been meaning to finish a website that I’ve been working on …not to mention I STILL need to update my blog information.
• Have you heard If I Die Young by The Band Perry?! M. actually hung out with the lead singer (who was dating one of his friends) a little bit while he was in school at Vanderbilt in Nashville. He told me that one evening he and his friends were playing guitar and she came in and started singing – he said their mouths dropped when they heard how good she was. They had never heard her sing until that moment and her boyfriend at the time (M.’s friend) quickly explained that she was in a band and trying to be a professional singer. The band’s first song, Hip to My Heart I absolutely CANNOT STAND, but this one I have a soft spot for. I’ve never truly been a “country music” fan, but the sound reminds me of another favorite of mine, Nickel Creek – more of a bluegrass/folksy sound than country to me.
For some reason the Nickel Creek Vid. wouldn't embed so here's a link to one of my favorites...
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