Un-Welcome Monday

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Welcome back, workweek. I can’t really say that I am glad that you are here, but alas…it’s difficult making it in New York City without any money. I wish I could say that the sun is shining and that I’m in a super wonderful mood this morning, but I’m just not feeling like having Monday here already. It was too nice of a weekend to be happy about sitting at my work desk.

In any event, Monday is here and I am just going to embrace it the best I can. Of course, I can still talk about my wonderfully relaxing weekend, right?!

So I didn’t get EVERYTHING done this weekend as I had planned, but really…it doesn’t matter! Instead I enjoyed time spent with my wonderful husband and our adorable pooch. Friday I went and saw Bridesmaids with some of my colleagues – it was really cute and very funny. I don’t “go to the movies” very often, but I’m glad that I got to see such a girly flick in the theater. I wish I could see a movie EVERY Friday afternoon – too fun! After the movie I walked home since the sun was finally starting to shine through the gray clouds. M. and I ordered in and watched The American with George Clooney. The movie didn’t pull me in fast enough and I was snoozing on the couch within about 10 minutes. Oh how I love Friday evenings – the entire weekend to look forward to and the best night’s sleep ever!

Saturday morning I took the dog out and the weather was so amazingly beautiful that I couldn’t wait to get outside for a long walk. Once we got ourselves ready, M. and I headed to Battery Park (I hadn’t ever been there) with the pup and a little cash for some lunch. It wasn’t a difficult decision for me at all – a lobster roll by the water? I’ll take it! M. enjoyed a little “sampler” with a hot dog (yes, I had to test the hot dog for him) and a hamburger. I couldn’t resist a sweet treat since the sun was shining so brightly so I opted for a cone with vanilla gelato and grapefruit sorbet while I forced (read: I didn’t want to be eating ice cream alone) M. to eat some chocolate gelato.

After our walk we came home and crashed on the couch while waiting for the big Preakness horse race to start. I love weekend naps, especially after long walks outside. SO relaxing! After watching the race, our neighborhood had a late afternoon rain shower and so instead of getting all dolled up to go out on the town for dinner, we stayed in our neighborhood and ate at a restaurant down the street. I seriously loved every minute of Saturday – it was just what I needed.

Sunday I was on a mission. I desperately wanted to visit the brand new Homegoods that opened up way uptown so even though M. really didn’t feel like trotting behind me in a home store, he braved it anyway and made the trip with me. I couldn’t believe it, but there was actually a line waiting to get into the store by the time we arrived. Unfortunately, I didn’t find anything that I loved so we hopped over to TJ Maxx to see if there was anything worthwhile there. I didn’t find anything for our “home,” but I did find some great workout gear which I love! I'm the girl in the gym sporting her Track & Field uniform shorts from high school and a sorority t-shirt. I’m excited about getting rid of some of my ratty workout tops and looking a little "cuter" while sweating up a storm. After TJ’s we headed over to the Michaels craft store to pick up a few supplies for my painting adventures. When I was on the phone with my mom yesterday she laughed about how I mentioned in an earlier post that I wanted to try and re-create a Monet piece I saw at the MET. OF COURSE I never meant that I would actually be able to re-create the famous artist’s floral painting, but rather that I just loved the look of the painting and the colors that were used. BUT the new painting I have in mind is a little more free-form with no particular “subject” in the image. If it turns out right I’ll be happy to share with you all!

Last night I re-organized a few things in our apartment and then hit the sack…but not before catching the winner of Celebrity Apprentice!

How was your weekend?!


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