What a fabulous weekend here in the city! The weather was gorgeous and all we wanted to do was spend time outside.
Luckily, we have a fun puppy to cart around the city (yes, I’ve become one of those crazy people who carries their dog in a bag – although at least I just carry him in a tote and not a “special dog carrying bag”). Friday evening all I wanted to do was spend time at home. After that 3:45 am wake up call for the Royal Wedding I was completely worn out. In addition to the 3:45am wake- up call I also spent my afternoon at work running around the city doing some errands for a special meeting coming up. I carried some RIDICULOUSLY heavy bags and the next day my shoulder muscles remembered.
M. and I spent the evening in – we watched the first disk of season five of Friday Night Lights (thank you Netflix!) and just relaxed. Surprisingly, I stayed awake until about 11:30pm, which to me, was quite a feat!Saturday morning we woke up to wonderful weather.
I was itching to get outside and so was M. We decided to head off to the Shake Shack in the park, but the line was so ridiculously long that I ended up only getting a cup of custard in the ‘flavor of the day,’ Pancakes and Bacon. It really just tasted like vanilla custard with bacon, but delicious nonetheless. After our hour spent in the park we headed off to the Pet supply store to pick up some dog shampoo and just one more toy for our little fella.
Let me say, dog shampoo is WAY too expensive. Some of the brands were upwards of $30 a bottle. We w
ere NOT spending THAT much money on a bottle of “dog shampoo” and ended up going with a reasonable $8 bottle. Jeeze!
I also picked out Thatcher’s new toy – a mini tennis ball/football. He is a boy after all! It squeaks and so far he loves it. We walked around Union Square park for a little while enjoying the outdoor farmers market and then headed home. Thatcher was quite tired from his big day out (we carried him some of the way, but for the most part he walked on his leash). When we made it back to the apartment we put Thatcher in his crate and got ready for our dinner out.
I was in the mood f
or a good burger, so we decided to try out B.L.T. Burger. We made our way to the restaurant and enjoyed some delicious “junk food” including fried pickles (I had never had these, but they were AMAZING), mini pigs-in-a-blanket (delish!) and then of course awesome burgers and fries.
Overall a delicious meal complete with all things fried. Nice and healthy – just how I like it!We made the walk home from dinner (it was still so nice outside that we decided to walk!), enjoyed a little frozen yogurt and then cuddled up on the couch for a while.
When we arrived home we decided it was time for Thatcher's first bath (I promise you all of my posts will not revolve around this dog-baby!!!). M. and I laughed
SO HARD when we put that little pup in the bathtub. **The vet told us not to actually get his face wet because his eyes are really sensitive, so we only washed his body and then "spot cleaned" his face and ears.**
It was first of all hilarious that his body is s
o itty-bitty and with his head still dry it made his head look HUGE and second it was too funny that when I picked him up to pour the warm water to wash off the soap he was paddling his little paws in the air as though he was swimming. Such a funny sight. We tried to snap a few photos since it was just too funny, but unfortunately they didn't turn out too great. Definitely a had-to-be-there moment!

After the "big bath" experience we made plans for the next day and then hit the sack worn out from our day of trekking around the city.
Sunday morning we were once again greeted by beautiful spring weather. I got ready as soon as I got up and then we headed off to our Sunday destination.
After making a few shopping returns we picked up a light lunch at Whole
Foods and made our way into Central Park. Of course our trusty puppy was with us and we could tell he was ready to explore! After munching on our lunch we put Thatcher on his leash and let him lead the way. Central Park was absolutely buzzing with activity. There were so many families with little babies, young kids, bikers, runners, people lounging on blankets catching some sun or reading – it was packed!
Thatcher loved
the park and even experienced a big area of grass for the first time! He ran through the lawn and when he would take a tumble it was no big deal because the cushy grass was there to catch his fall – he loved it. He also loved walking on the big rocks all over the park.
It was like a version of the Lion King as he stood proud on those rocks – too funny. Not only was the day beautiful, but the park was beautiful too! The grass was SO green and there were blooming trees all around us. Of course I had to have M. snap some photos with the beautiful pink blooming trees as a backdrop. I even convinced M. to be in a pic. too!
Once I put Thatcher up in the blooms for one last picture M.
was quick to remind me that he is a BOY dog and not a girlie pup. Oh well – still pretty cute if you ask me! We ended up spending around three hours walking through the park and decided that we had enough when we took a quick break on the bench and the puppy immediately fell asleep in my lap. We made our way home, dropped the pup off and then headed off to Macy’s to pick up a few things that we’ve been needing while their friends and family sale was still on.
We needed an iron, so we got that and then also, BREAKING NEWS – WE FINALLY BOUGHT A TRASH CAN! Yes – it only took us five months, but the days of using grocery bags as garbage cans are LONG GONE. Who knew how expensive trash cans can be?! We bit the bullet and found one that’s perfect for our kitchen
and thankfully, it didn’t break the bank either. Gearing up for a short work week since we’re headed to the brother-in-law’s graduation early Friday morning! What were you up to this weekend?!
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